The Abandonded Minesharft Part2

"What am I going to do?" thought Zane he had no idiea what to do because all he could think about was this strange person wright in front of him. His mined was blanck. Zane swore that the unknown person was coming closer he had to do something and quick. He looked in his batted old bag and found a pickaxe, he started minnning. Zane looked around and saw that the man/women has gone but there lyed right infront of him was his/her cloack.
Zane finally got out but there was all the spiders,Zombies and of course the Skeletons guarding the room. He had to think quick, so we valiantly dug up some stone and built a staircase up the wall and back down to the ground. He sprinted as fast as lighting down the cave... Zane stopped and looked in front of him there was the way out but something strange in the way. Right in front of him there was parkour but ' Who built this' he wondered still looking at it. Zane decided to take a closer look at it, so he did he went closer and closer until he saw LAVA right beneath him ' Luckily I didn't fall in there' he thought but he sensed something watching him...


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