
Showing posts from September, 2017

Marshmallow Tower

Go Check Out Natalia's Blog     Natalia's blog

Stained Glass Window Art

This is my stained glass reflection. I made most of them with Tia and one by my self. I thought this went really good because all of ours looks amazing I think. The most best thing about this art is the purple one I like it because it has different flowers from all around the school and different shades. Next time I think Tia and I could maybe do some more so then it will look really really cool. Click This Link To Go To Tia's Blog       Tia's Blog      

Tool Kit Labels

A few weeks ago, in Tui Hub we were learning how to put labels on our blog posts. This week we are going to be putting the Tool Kit into our labels.  If you do not know what the Tool Kit is it is the way Hamilton East pupils and teachers live the dreadful 6 hours at our school. The Tool Kit has five different things that we use which are: Manage My Self Think Relate To Others Contribute And Participate Use Language  And that is what I'm going to do foe now on. If you still don't now waht I'm talking about then click the link. 

Addition and Subtraction


Basic Fractions
